Help for Medial Epicondylitis: Physio near me!

Medial epicondylitis, also known as golfer’s elbow, can significantly impact your grip strength and daily activities. Physiotherapy offers a non-invasive and effective approach to manage pain, promote healing, and restore full function to your elbow. Here’s what you can expect during physiotherapy treatment for medial epicondylitis.

Phase 1: Reduce Inflammation and Pain

The initial focus is on managing inflammation and pain. Your physiotherapist might employ various techniques like:

  • Cryotherapy: Applying ice packs to the affected area for 15-20 minutes at a time, several times a day, can help reduce inflammation and pain.
  • Manual therapy: Gentle massage techniques can improve blood flow, promote healing, and reduce muscle tension around the elbow joint.
  • Modalities: Techniques like ultrasound or laser therapy might be used to further reduce inflammation and promote tissue repair.

Phase 2: Enhance Flexibility and Mobility

As the pain subsides, your physiotherapist will introduce exercises to improve flexibility and mobility in your elbow, wrist, and forearm. These exercises might include:

  • Passive stretching: Gentle stretches target the forearm muscles that attach to the injured tendon, improving flexibility and range of motion.
  • Active-assisted stretching: This involves using straps or your other hand to gently stretch the affected muscles beyond their passive range, promoting improved flexibility.

Phase 3: Strengthen the Forearm

Once flexibility improves, strengthening exercises become crucial for a complete recovery. Your physiotherapist will design a program that progressively strengthens the forearm muscles that flex your wrist and grip. These exercises might include:

  • Isometric exercises: These involve tensing specific muscles without moving the joint, building strength without stressing the injured tendon.
  • Resistance exercises: These exercises gradually increase the challenge using weights, bands, or therapy putty, strengthening the muscles to handle everyday activities.

Additional Techniques:

  • Taping: Kinesio taping might be used to provide support to the elbow joint, improve proprioception (body awareness), and reduce pain.
  • Bracing: In some cases, a splint or brace might be recommended to restrict wrist movement and protect the injured tendon during activities.

The Road to Recovery

Physiotherapy treatment for medial epicondylitis is typically progressive, taking 4-6 weeks or longer depending on the severity of the condition. Your physiotherapist at Capital Physiotherapy will diligently monitor your progress and adjust the program as needed.

Home Exercises and Prevention

Following your physiotherapy sessions, a personalized home exercise program becomes crucial for long-term recovery. These exercises will help maintain strength and flexibility, reducing the risk of re-injury. Your physiotherapist will also provide guidance on modifying activities and proper technique to prevent future problems.

By working closely with our trusted and friendly physiotherapist at Capital Physiotherapy, you can effectively manage medial epicondylitis and regain full use of your elbow. Remember, early intervention and consistent physiotherapy are key to a successful recovery.

Visit us on our website

Medial epicondylitis, also known as golfer’s elbow, can significantly impact your grip strength and daily activities. Physiotherapy offers a non-invasive and effective approach to manage pain, promote healing, and restore full function to your elbow. Here’s what you can expect during physiotherapy treatment for medial epicondylitis.

Phase 1: Reduce Inflammation and Pain

The initial focus is on managing inflammation and pain. Your physiotherapist might employ various techniques like:

  • Cryotherapy: Applying ice packs to the affected area for 15-20 minutes at a time, several times a day, can help reduce inflammation and pain.
  • Manual therapy: Gentle massage techniques can improve blood flow, promote healing, and reduce muscle tension around the elbow joint.
  • Modalities: Techniques like ultrasound or laser therapy might be used to further reduce inflammation and promote tissue repair.

Phase 2: Enhance Flexibility and Mobility

As the pain subsides, your physiotherapist will introduce exercises to improve flexibility and mobility in your elbow, wrist, and forearm. These exercises might include:

  • Passive stretching: Gentle stretches target the forearm muscles that attach to the injured tendon, improving flexibility and range of motion.
  • Active-assisted stretching: This involves using straps or your other hand to gently stretch the affected muscles beyond their passive range, promoting improved flexibility.

Phase 3: Strengthen the Forearm

Once flexibility improves, strengthening exercises become crucial for a complete recovery. Your physiotherapist will design a program that progressively strengthens the forearm muscles that flex your wrist and grip. These exercises might include:

  • Isometric exercises: These involve tensing specific muscles without moving the joint, building strength without stressing the injured tendon.
  • Resistance exercises: These exercises gradually increase the challenge using weights, bands, or therapy putty, strengthening the muscles to handle everyday activities.

Additional Techniques:

  • Taping: Kinesio taping might be used to provide support to the elbow joint, improve proprioception (body awareness), and reduce pain.
  • Bracing: In some cases, a splint or brace might be recommended to restrict wrist movement and protect the injured tendon during activities.

The Road to Recovery

Physiotherapy treatment for medial epicondylitis is typically progressive, taking 4-6 weeks or longer depending on the severity of the condition. Your physiotherapist at Capital Physiotherapy will diligently monitor your progress and adjust the program as needed.

Home Exercises and Prevention

Following your physiotherapy sessions, a personalized home exercise program becomes crucial for long-term recovery. These exercises will help maintain strength and flexibility, reducing the risk of re-injury. Your physiotherapist will also provide guidance on modifying activities and proper technique to prevent future problems.

By working closely with our trusted and friendly physiotherapist at Capital Physiotherapy, you can effectively manage medial epicondylitis and regain full use of your elbow. Remember, early intervention and consistent physiotherapy are key to a successful recovery.

Visit us on our website at: or call us at 0434 720 730

Golfer’s Elbow Treatment – physio help near me!

Golfer’s elbow, also known as medial epicondylitis, is a condition causing pain on the inside of your elbow. It’s caused by overuse of the forearm muscles that flex your wrist and grip. While the name suggests it only affects golfers, anyone who performs repetitive gripping or swinging motions can develop it.

What’s the culprit?

The pain arises from tiny tears or inflammation in the tendons that connect the forearm muscles to the bony bump on the inner elbow (medial epicondyle). These muscles are responsible for wrist bending and gripping. Repetitive motions like swinging a golf club, pitching a baseball, or even using screwdrivers can overload these tendons, leading to damage.

Signs and Symptoms

The main symptom of golfer’s elbow is tenderness or aching pain on the inner side of your elbow, especially when gripping or bending your wrist. The pain might radiate down your forearm and weaken your grip strength. You might also experience stiffness in the elbow, making it difficult to fully extend or bend your arm.

Golfer’s Elbow Treatment

If you have elbow pain, contact Capital Physiotherapy. Early diagnosis and treatment can help prevent further damage and speed up recovery. Treatment often involves rest, ice therapy, pain medication, and physical therapy to strengthen the forearm muscles and improve flexibility. In some cases, a brace or splinting might be recommended to restrict wrist movement and promote healing.

By recognizing the symptoms and taking preventive measures, you can keep golfer’s elbow at bay and enjoy pain-free movement in your elbow. Capital Physiotherapy have branches that may be near you, so visit us on: or call us on 0406 067 105

Golf Elbow Pain: From Diagnosis to Driving You Back to the Course

As a physiotherapist, I see many golfers battling golfer’s elbow, that pesky pain on the inside of your elbow. Don’t worry, it’s a common overuse injury, and with proper treatment, you’ll be swinging pain-free again in no time!

Understanding the Culprit

Golfer’s elbow stems from inflammation in the tendons that flex your wrist. Repetitive motions that strain these tendons, like gripping a golf club, can lead to tiny tears and irritation overtime.

If you are having pain in your elbow, it is important that you seek help as soon as possible. Our team at Capital Physiotherapy Hawthorn is well experienced and will help you get back into the swing of things!

Diagnosis: Pinpointing the Problem

During your assessment, you’ll be asked about your symptoms, golfing habits, and examine your elbow and forearm. Strength and flexibility tests help pinpoint the affected muscles. Our physiotherapist at Capital Physiotherapy Hawthorn will usually be able to diagnose you through thorough examination, but in rare cases, an X-ray or ultrasound might be needed to rule out other causes.

The Road to Recovery: A Multi-pronged Approach

The good news is, golfer’s elbow responds well to physiotherapy. Our treatment plan typically involves:

  • Rest and Activity Modification: Taking a break from activities that aggravate your elbow is crucial. I’ll guide you on alternative exercises to maintain your fitness.
  • Manual Therapy: Techniques like massage and joint mobilization can improve flexibility, reduce pain, and promote healing.
  • Strengthening Exercises: Once the pain subsides, specific exercises will strengthen your forearm muscles, enhancing stability and preventing future flare-ups.
  • Taping or Bracing: In some cases, taping or a forearm brace can provide support and reduce stress on the tendons.

The Importance of Rehabilitation Exercises

Rehabilitation exercises are the cornerstone of your recovery. These exercises will target the weakened muscles, improve flexibility, and restore pain-free movement. Your trusted physiotherapists will design a personalized program that progresses gradually, ensuring a safe and effective return to golfing.

Partnering for Success

Remember, you’re not alone in this. Capital Physiotherapy Hawthorn will be a partner in recovery, providing guidance, motivation, and adjustments to your program as needed. Open communication is key, so let us know if you experience any difficulties or setbacks.

By following the treatment plan and dedicating yourself to the rehabilitation exercises, you’ll be well on your way to conquering golfer’s elbow and getting back to the sport you love. In the meantime, feel free to ask me any questions you might have!

You can also book via our online website here: or calling us on 0406 067 105.

Elbow Pain: Treating Golfer’s Elbow

As a physiotherapist, I see golfer’s elbow frequently. This isn’t surprising – it plagues people who love activities like golf, but also those with repetitive gripping motions in their daily work. The pain on the inner elbow joint stems from small damages in the tendons that bend your wrist.

The good news? Physiotherapy offers a non-invasive path to recovery and they can help with treating golfer’s elbow. Our physiotherapists at Capital Physiotherapy Footscray will provide you with a thorough initial consultation. This will include tests to pinpoint the exact location and severity of your pain. Based on this, we’ll develop a personalized treatment plan just for you!

In the early stages, we’ll focus on reducing inflammation and pain. This might involve activity modification – swapping out aggravating tasks or finding alternative ways to perform them. Manual therapy techniques like massage and possibly even ultrasound can also be helpful. Some gentle home exercises will also be provided.

As the pain subsides, the focus shifts to strengthening the muscles that support your wrist and elbow. This doesn’t involve heavy weights – we’ll start with gentle, targeted exercises that progressively increase in intensity.

Here’s the key: this rehabilitation journey is a partnership. Our physiotherapists at Capital Physiotherapy will guide you through every step with treating golfer’s elbow, as well as tailoring exercises to your specific needs, and adjusting the program as you progress. Open communication is crucial – don’t hesitate to ask questions or voice any concerns.

By following the treatment plan diligently and dedicating yourself to the rehabilitation process, you’ll be well on your way to regaining pain-free movement and returning to your favorite activities, swing or no swing. Remember, consistency is key! Let’s work together to get you back to doing what you love.

You can go online to our website to book via here: or call us at 0434 720 730