Does Physiotherapy Help Osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis is a chronic condition caused by the breakdown of cartilage on the contact surface of a bone in the joint. Cartilage is important to provide a smooth surface for movement.  Therefore as the cartilage breakdown deteriorates, inflammation kicks in resulting in swelling and pain. The rough cartilage surface affects the fluidity of movement. The chronic joint pain, joint swelling, joint stiffness hence affects mobility and quality of living.  

Risk factors

There are many risk factors that are unmodifiable1 :

  • Age
  • Genetics
  • Family history
  • Female sex
  • Race

There are also a range of risk factors that are modifiable.  Our physios are trained to identify the modifiable factors and work with you to improve symptoms as well as prevent further decline in functions. These modifiable factors1  include:

  • Previous injury

Physios at capital physiotherapy are trained to assess, diagnose and rehabilitate your injuries to ensure you achieve the best outcome.  In doing so, we are taking a proactive approach to prevent osteoarthritis.

  • Obesity

Sports physios carefully assess your current level of functions and mobility, then prescribe you with exercises of suitable level to assist with weight control.  Capital physiotherapy particularly emphasis on strength and conditioning to encourage you to live a active lifestyle.

  • Occupational overuse

Physio has the knowledge to optimise your occupational health.  We can advise on modifying your work environment or desk setup. This allows your body to efficiently perform tasks at work and hence putting less stress on your body joints.

So make an appointment with our physios at Capital Physiotherapy today to discuss any osteoarthritis related symptoms your have and start to feel stronger and better!



1 March, L. M., & Bagga, H. (2004). Epidemiology of osteoarthritis in Australia. Medical journal of Australia, 180(5), S6.