Tips and Advice Post Total Hip Replacement Surgery

Hip precautions After Total Hip Replacement (THR) you will need to follow hip precautions for 3 months unless your surgeon tells you differently. These precautions help you heal and reduce risk of hip dislocation

Depending on the incision approach the precautions will vary.

For posterior approach the restrictions are as follows:

  • No bending your hip over 90 degree
  • In crossing your leg
  • Always keeps your leg apart
  • No turning your toes inwards

For Anterior Approach the restrictions are as follows:

  • No hip extension. 
  • Do not allow the surgical leg to externally rotate (turn outwards). 
  • Do not cross your legs. 
  • Use a pillow between legs when rolling.

For Lateral approach the restrictions are as follows:

  • Be caution of rotating your legs

Hip strengthening is not the only thing you need to focus on post total hip replacement.

During rehab, your physiotherapist will focus on

  • Hip strength
  • Knee strength
  • Ankle strength
  • Core strength
  • Hip and knee range of motion
  • Hip proprioception (balance)
  • Hip control and balance 
  • Returning to sports
  • Returning to work/volunteer

Here at Capital Physiotherapy, our physiotherapists are the experts in helping your post hip surgery rehab as well as all the discomfort that comes with it!

We can help you lead a healthier and pain free lifestyle. 

Our physiotherapist will be able to give you individualised advice/ treatment plan that is tailored for your particular needs.

At Capital Physiotherapy, your initial appointment is 40-60minutes long. This allows our physios to be thorough in their assessment, as well as giving them enough time to give you treatment on the same consultation! 

If you have physio concerns, send us an email at or book online here. We also provide Telehealth Consultation for your safety and convenience during this pandemic.